PILGRIMAGE 2022 Application forms for our 2022 Pilgrimage which will be held between Sunday, the 21st August 2022 and Thursday, the 25th August 2022 are now available for download. Please go into our 'Downloads' section and download the necessary forms, fill them in and send them to us on [email protected] or speak to Louise or Amata directly and they will guide you accordingly. Thank you ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali se ssir illejla, l-Erbgħa 11 ta’
Marzu 2020 fid-Dar tal-Irtiri Mount Saint Joseph, il-Mosta fis-6.30. Kulħadd huwa mistieden u nixtiequ ħafna narakom hemmhekk. The Annual General Meeting will be held this evening, Wednesday 11 March 2020 at the Mount Saint Joseph Retreat House, Mosta at 6.30. Everyone is invited and we would greatly like to see you there. |
Once again, AVL will be having its annual Christmas Bake Sale! Come get these delicious goodies whilst they're still piping hot from the oven! 🥧🥧🥧
Call us on 99477537! Bookings close 20th November! Għal darb'oħra, l-AVL qiegħda torganizza l-Christmas Bake Sale! Ħaffu u aħtfu dawn il-ħlewiet tajbin kif għadhom sħan mill-forn! 🥧🥧🥧 Ċemplilna fuq 99477537! Bookings jagħlqu fl-20 ta' Novembru! |