You can support our Association by becoming a member or by placing your donation using any of the methods available on our contacts page. Funds collected are used to subsidise sick members of society who do not afford to pay their own way to join one of our pilgrimages to Lourdes*. To become a member of A.V.L. please download a membership form or contact us for further details.
Membership in AVL is classified as follows:
Active members These are persons who accompany an AVL pilgrimage as volunteer helpers and who are registered as such by the Administrative Committee and who pay the annual subscription fee fixed by the General Assembly.
Pilgrim members These are persons who accompany an AVL pilgrimage as pilgrims and who pay the annual subscription fee fixed by the General Assembly.
Honorary members These are persons who are so selected by the Administrative Committee to honour them for the exceptional services rendered to the Association.
Auxiliary members These are minors who accompany an AVL pilgrimage as volunteer helpers. Such members are not bound to pay the subscription fee although they are encouraged to become active members when they reach the age of eighteen years (18).
Sympathiser members These are persons who hold the Association at heart and who wish to form part of the organisation even though they would not have accompanied an AVL pilgrimage.
Extract from the Statute 3.2 - The General Assembly represents the Association as a whole. It is composed of all the members of AVL, whether active, auxiliary, pilgrim, honorary or sympathiser members who shall all have the right to be notified of meetings of the Association. All members have the right to present proposals for discussion as provided in this statute.
3.3 - Auxiliary, pilgrim, honorary and sympathiser members have the right to attend meetings of the Assembly but do not have the right to vote.
* All helpers, including all committee members, are volunteers and pay the full fare as established by the organising committee for every pilgrimage.